Do not waste time and labor with manual sample preparation. The AZURA® GPC Cleanup system automates work-intensive and time-consuming cleanup tasks based on gel permeation chromatography (GPC). Further, reproducibility and quality of the cleanup are improved. After sample loading, the dedicated system fully automatically processes up to 15 samples while requiring minimal bench space. Based on the versatile AZURA® device platform the system can be customized to fulfill individual requirements. The cost-effective software Mobile Control provides a touch-optimized user interface for intuitive device control directly at the system.
System layout
Based on the versatile AZURA® device platform the GPC Cleanup System can be easily adapted to pre-established laboratory procedures to perform a wide range of sample preparation tasks. The required bench space is kept at a minimum. Scroll down to "Related Products" to find alternative system components for customization.
The system features 15 sample loops controlled by two 16 port multiposition valves. The GPC tubing guide sorts outlet tubings coming from the fraction collection valve. The wound-up sample loops are stored in a tray with drainage system and are easily accessible for inspection and replacement. With an additional multiposition valve 15 fractions and waste can be collected. All multiposition valves and the manual injection valve are integrated into a compact AZURA® Assistant ASM 2.2L. Elution of separated substances/standard components is monitored by a variable single wavelength UV detector. A second assistant harbors the small detector, the system pump with a pressure sensor and a valve to bypass the GPC column or select between two columns.
System control
The GPC Cleanup System is operated with the cost-effective software Mobile Control. This clearly arranged and touch-optimized user interface is run on a tablet directly mounted at the system. It automatically recognizes devices and the system is configured within a few finger swipes. Due to the arrangement in functional blocks like eluent delivery, sample injection, detection, fraction collection, programs are created fast with a minimal number of clicks. Mobile Control makes sample loop loading easily manageable by synchronously switching both valves at the push of a button. Download Mobile Control Chrom!
What is GPC Cleanup?
GPC Cleanup (Gel Permeation Chromatography) is primarily employed for performing general cleanup tasks on a wide range of sample matrices such as foodstuffs, tissues, plants and environmental samples. The separation of components takes place according to their molecular weight due to the heterogeneous pore size of the stationary phase which acts as a molecular sieve. High-molecular substances such as lipids, proteins, natural resins, cellular components and steroids interfering with subsequent analysis e.g. of pesticides are efficiently removed.
Separation principle

In accordance with established methods to determine pesticide residues
- Method 984.21 - AOAC international
- EPA SW-846 Method 3640A - US Environmental Protection Agency
- AEN 12393 and EN 1528 - European Standard
- L 00.00-34 Method in accordance with §64 LFGB (formerly § 35 LMBG)
The AZURA® GPC Cleanup system was selected by the Analytical Scientist for "The Innovators 2017" product. Click here to read the full article.
The GPC Cleanup System is also covered in the poster "Automated sample preparation with touch-optimized control software". Check the dowloads below.