Determination of Ketones as DNPH Derivates

Applikationsnr.: VEV0018J

Determination of Ketones as DNPH Derivates

In the monitoring of industrial air, the determination of carbonyl (aldehyde and ketone) emissions is crucial to prevent respiratory, pulmonological, autoimmune diseases, and cancer.

Technische Daten


Methode HPLC


Modus RP
Substanzen DNPH derivates of Formaldehyde, Acetaldehyde, Acrolein, Propionaldehyde, Acetone, Butyraldehyde, Methacrolein, Methyl ethyl ketone, Pentanone, Cyclohexanone
Schlüsselwörter Aldehydes, Ketones , Carbonyl compounds, VOC´s , Air pollutants, DNPH, DNPH derivatives
CAS Nummer 815-24-7 , 107-87-9, 591-78-6, 110-43-0, 111-13-7, 821-55-6, 693-54-9, 12-12-9, 6175-49-1, 593-08-8, 18787-63-8

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